Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Lost Humanity in Corona

As important as the fight against Corona is, it is just as important to give each other mental strength and support. Mrs. Rohini Gurav from AISSMS Polytechnic - one of the best polytechnic college in pune share her thoughts in an article about lost humanity in corona.

While we were busy with our daily lives, a virus called Corona suddenly came and it stalled the lives of all people. Over the past year, we have been following the routine as watching, reading at home, and listening to what to do, what not to do, what to eat, what not to eat etc.

As important as the fight against Corona is, it is just as important to give each other mental strength and support. The number of deaths due to fear is higher than the number of deaths due to corona. Because this fear is often worse than the death caused by the corona. To make matters worse, in this time of crisis, fear seems to be defeating humanity. We are seen consciously turning our backs without rushing to the aid of our own people. This fear has increased so much that man has become afraid of man. 

As we spend more time these days in our homes and also in digital spaces, this should serve as a moment of reflection for all of us. Staying human in the days of coronavirus is a moral test for all of us.

Humanity is the most important thing during this time because giving love to the victims increases their energy which helps them to fight the disease, boosts the morale of the family.

Reference : Article in Marathi language - कोरोनात हरवत चाललेली माणुसकी

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