Thursday, May 30, 2019

How to Talk to Children so that they Listen | AISSMS Organizaion

We are well into the Year 2019 now. As parents and teachers, one of our New Year purposes should be about spending more time talking to teenagers.In what way to chat to them so that they pay attention, is what worries us most. This would positively be a stimulating subject for some of us, a non-subject for others, organization and skills but it is, however, a vital one.
There are many more ways to make a chat thrilling for children. Let us begin by using these 5 vital tips which will be most appreciated to us. Let’s begin speaking in the way our offspring would love to listen to us!

Why I prefer a small hotel over a star hotel by Dr. Rasika | AISSMS Organization

The feeling starts the moment the car enters the parking lot. My car remains unchanged, it is recognized as it enters. Balu is deployed in my service from that moment onward. The greeting is indeed warm, whatever is the length of absence. The feeling of homecoming overcomes you in the parking itself. 
My choices, my favorite dishes, my favorite person to serve all taken care. Just like at home. The hotel is small yet ultra clean. The feeling is warm and homelike. Now, why would I prefer any other place for my stay when I have a home away from home?


Blend of Legacy and Innovation in Education | AISSMS Organization

India since its birth has been blessed with great souls who have gifted us a rich history of education, art, and spirituality. The soil of this land has been nurtured by the hands of great emperors, artists, writers, and saints who have left behind a legacy of literature and wisdom.

One of such great souls, who ruled among the swaraj borders and was the driving force behind numerous social and cultural reforms that changed history was Rajarshri Shahu Maharaj, Ruler of the Indian Princely State of Kolhapur.

The All Indian Shri Shivaji Memorial Society is proud is to be associated with such a great legend and be a source through which Chhatrapati’s legacy is being carried forward.


EKAANT | AISSMS Institute Of Management

Just like every day, after completing all the domestic work I was on the way to my work. Sitting on the rear seat and going through the newspaper, was hoping for another normal day at the office, the car was cruising at a normal pace halting only at the signals. 

The noise all around was just typically irritating, and the continuous honking of vehicles was getting on my nerves. As it is these vehicles make such noise and to add to the disturbance this honking was really disturbing. 

Some people honk even to a speed breaker hoping honking would make it give way. Remember something liked by you may not go down well with the others, so make it enjoyable for everybody around. Play music at soothing levels, do not Honk unless necessary, avoid making a loud noise near schools and hospitals.

Life Is Still Beautiful | AISSMS Institute of Management

We live…
They said life is easy if you know how to live.!
I am yet living, did life get easier? Or my ability to handle the struggles stronger?
They said its okay to fail…
Never did they mention how many times..Either i have learnt to accept failures or settling for an average or not risking it at all..
They said You have to compromise..
all that promises we compromise for?

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

E-Pharmacies- the death knell for retail pharmacies??

Pharmacists play a crucial role in patient counseling in a lucid way in local dialect and ensure a safe and rational therapy. This role will be undermined due to online pharmacies. The risk of misuse and abuse of medicines such as steroids and abortion pills will increase.

The rampant use of antibiotics has led to the development of resistant forms of many infections and the regulatory bodies have woken up to this menace recently and have put curbs on over the counter sale of antibiotics. Online pharmacies, with weak authentication mechanisms will lead to a resurgence of this menace.
Click here To Read More

Friday, May 17, 2019

Agile Methods | Institute of Information Technology

The Agile Method is a particular approach to project management that is utilized in software development.
This method assists teams in responding to the unpredictability of constructing software. It uses incremental, iterative work sequences that are commonly known as sprints.
The aim of agile methods is to reduce overheads in the software process (e.g. by limiting documentation) and to be able to respond quickly to changing requirements without excessive rework.

Must Read Student Professor Conversation - DON’T BLAME | AISSMS Institute of Information Technology

The 21st century is witnessing the most amazing technological revolution but as a parent and as a Professor.
I am also seeing a stark change in the behavioral patterns of the kids/students of this century. On one hand where the kids/students’ are extremely tech-savvy and are easily acclimatizing to the new technological trends on a daily basis; they are however lacking some basic life skills which we as humans must possess.

Is Peer Pressure Is Harmful or Beneficial To an Individual | AISSMS Polytechnic

Someone does something because of peer pressure, it means that they do it because of other people in their group do it. The thoughts, behavior, tastes of fashion, music, television and other walks of life are often seen having a deep impact on the living of an individual. We may tend to get influenced by the lifestyles of our peer.

The changing ways of life, of our peers, often forces us to change our ways of looking at life and leading it.

 It’s a human tendency to do what the crowd does. The few have the courage to oppose the peer pressure and be the own selves rather than being one among the lot. Peer pressure is affecting most of us, both, positively and negatively.

Peer pressure is useful since it makes us more alert, we can improve own-self and attentive to the happenings around us even the small ones that we might look over but actually be helpful for our knowledge and development.