Friday, November 29, 2019

AISSMS IOM Advanced Teaching Learning Methods

2019 syllabus document of SPPU mentions that,

Outcome Based Education (OBE) Approach- Means clearly focusing and organizing everything in an educational system around what is essential for all students to be able to do successfully at the end of their learning experiences.
1. There must be a performer – the student (learner), not only the teacher.
2. There must be something performable (thus demonstrable or assessable) to perform.
3. The focus is on the performance, not the activity or task to be performed.

Key guidelines for outcome-based learning -
1. Visualization of terminologies
2. Co-operative and cohesive learning
3. Inquiry-based instruction
4. Differentiation
5. Applying Technology in the classroom
6. Professional development

Also need to focus on Teaching Standard and they categorized as,
Teaching Level 1 - Teacher’s responsibility is to know the course content well and teaching clearly in detail.
Teaching level 2 - Teachers always think of improving teaching or finding new way of teaching.
Teaching level 3 - Student centered model of teaching; the purpose of teaching is to support learning. The teacher can no longer say I taught them, but they didn’t learn.

READ MORE at Advanced Teaching Learning Methods 

TRIZ-based Innovation Week in India - TRIZ for X, 2019

All India Shri Shivaji Memorial Society’s College of Engineering is an Academic partner for the TRIZ Conference being organized by TRIZ Association of Asia (TAA) since 2015. A weeklong Innovation activity was conducted, wherein Mr Valeri Souchkov, TRIZ Master, President of IBTA and Vice President of the International TRIZ Association (MATRIZ) conducted a public workshop (11-13, Nov 2019) on learning how to apply TRIZ to improve and accelerate business and management innovation. The workshop participants, from major Indian conglomerates, learned basic TRIZ tools which help to recognize demands and clarify innovative problems and challenges as well as tools providing systematic access to the relevant patterns of innovative solutions to solve specific problems.

The Conference was held on 15, Nov 2019 – ‘TRIZ for X’ was witnessed by 120+ participants from industry, academia and consulting business across India.
The conference started with Mr P V Narayan, (Director of TRIZ Deployment of MATRIZ, in lndia & President, TRIZ Association) reading the greeting letter of Dr. Oleg Feygenson (President, MATRIZ & Principal Engineer, Samsung Electronics co. ltd., South Korea). TRIZ Master Mr Valeri Souchkov deliberated on ‘Best practices of application of TRIZ in the areas of business and management’. Dr Simon Litvin (TRIZ Master, CEO/President – GEN TRIZ, USA and Chairman of the TRIZ Master Certification Council of MATRIZ) presented the methodology of TRIZ for Adjacent Markets Identification. Dr Oleg Abramov (TRIZ Master, Board Member of MATRIZ Chief Technology Officer, Algorithm, Ltd. a strategic partner of GENTRIZ LLC) enlightened the audience on ‘Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Modern TRIZ Based on Practical Results in New Product Development’.

Mr Sanjib Goshal (TRIZ Level 1, Lead Six Sigma, Capgemini, India) shared his experienced-on Grassroots innovation @ Capgemini. Mr Alex Lyubomirskiy (Chief Scientific Officer GEN TRIZ, TRIZ Master) demonstrated the ‘TRIZ based Happiness Equation for Business Growth’. Shree Phadnis, (Chairman, TRIZ Association of Asia) cleared the doubts of curious participants.
Last session was on the open discussion, TRIZ Masters and Mr Sanjib Goshal answered the queries of inquisitive participants. The incessant questions were aptly answered with suitable examples, and the conference concluded.
TRIZ for X offered a ring side view of how TRIZ techniques could help solve problems faced by any business function in various domains.

Rajarshri Shahu Maharaj – A Visionary And Social Reformist

Rajarshri Shahu Maharaj was a strong-willed man with a vision and mission of betterment and upliftment of the socially deprived sections. He dedicated his life to this objective and worked tirelessly for the same.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

A Father’s Letter To Son On Stepping Into Adulthood - AISSMS CHMCT

Adulthood gives a lot of freedom to you which you may have been deprived of in the earlier Age. As parents have done our bit so far and you can bank on us in the future as well, but now onward you will have to earn this support from us all. Keep a very high vision, but let your eyes and head be bowed in humility.

How to make a good person to great person (Parents Perspective) - 
1. Parents have done their children bit so far and they can bank on us in the future as well, but now onward they will have to earn this support from us.
2. The good Sanskar's which is your biggest asset and armor to encounter any challenges in life. Entering into adulthood with all full confidence and rest assured every parent are with you(children's).
3. The Success of every person is not measured by his accumulated wealth but by his noble character and humility.

Must Read full article of a father's letter to son on stepping into adulthood by Dr. Milind Peshave Sir from AISSMS CHMCT.

Industrial Visit to Best Hotel in Singapore by AISSMS CHMCT

This is an amazing experience shared by  Dr. Sameer Sir of an international study tour to Singapore. It was a wonderful study tour with iconic hotel visits. Students got fascinated by the  best practices of the hotels and use of technology. It opened their horizons and helped them have a world wide view of hotel industry

Experience of interacting with management teams of the hotels, asking numerous questions, following dress code and etiquette added to the learning. More importantly, the study tour was very aspiration for students.

READ MORE here about study tour of hotels in Singapore 

Monday, November 25, 2019

The Principal Open Letter To Parents Of Generation Z

The question arises in mind as what is generation Z. In this article a segmentation of generation explained in a very interesting way as,

  • First generation, joined any workplace, it was mainly for survival; the sheer objective was earning for the food, shelter and all the other basic necessities of life.
  • Generation Y, (Parents in Today’s time), had a slight shift of perception, from earning for survival to improving the standard of living. Maybe they wanted a better car or a better house.
  • And at last today’s generation(Z), fondly called as the Millennial; who fortunately have food, shelter and all other securities along with a certain standard of living ensured. So that is not something this generation is seeking as the purpose of their life!

Some Steps if we follow, shall bring out the best in our children,
1. Start with The Acceptance - We must accept the fact that due to the variety of channels available to explore.
2. Hear Them Out - Hear your child out every once in a while, and see how they grow into a mature and sensible individuals.
3. The Collective Effort - If we work together to nurture and grow the potential of our children, this generation has the capability to do wonders no one ever thought were possible.
4. Connect Emotionally - This generation face is the lack of emotional connect. You might give your child everything he/she wants, materialistically, but unknowingly they are not getting what they truly call for, emotionally and to overcome this generation gap by be friends and guardians to our children!

Read Full Article at Open Letter To Parents Of Generation Z

Hotel Management As A Career In India - AISSMS CHMCT

With globalization, a variety of both national and international brands are now investing heavily in the Hospitality Industry. In this, Hotel management is a complete service based industry. It demands from the hotel management student's certain skills and personality aspects. These aspects are important while working around different types of people.

career opportunities in hotel management like client servicing, catering, event,  management, cruise lines, Airlines and in the logistics industry, multimedia presentation platforms, Food exhibitions & shows, freelancing bloggers, food critiques and many more.

WANT to know more about hotel management and catering carriers and opportunities , Read 

Friday, November 15, 2019

A Journey Towards Fitness by Dr Trupti - AISSMS COP

You wake up early morning and have an important task of time management to reach your college or workplace. This is a story of how Dr. Trupti from AISSMS College of Pharmacy has changed her life and transformation from a person for whom life was only workplace and family to a person looking forward for fitness in this delightful journey.

She sincerely appeal to everyone to take out time for yourself from your daily routine and start your journey towards keeping yourself fit.
Also share experiences that how running changes life as, 
1. Energy levels at the end of the day are amazingly at high.
2. A passion towards exercise and good eating habits.
3. She is happily awake at 5 a.m. on every Sunday for scheduled long runs.
4. Time management in overall working schedule has improved as planning in marathon.
5. She is now more happy and associated with friends inclined towards fitness
6. A positive approach to handling negativity around.
7. Never give up attitude is built up.

We need to open up our minds and think beyond. Always keep in mind - Age is no barrier. It’s a limitation you put on your mind
Read full Article at

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Engineering The King Of All Careers by AISSMS COE

Engineering - Creativity at its best, social contribution, respectable career and lots of challenges for your intellectual skills, it is undoubtedly “King of all Careers”.

This could be Law of Engineering with respect to newtons third law,Engineering can neither be created, nor destroyed, it can be converted from one DISCIPLINE to another, and total power of all engineers in the universe remains constant.